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Canary is a brand reputation monitoring and strategy tool for leaders in higher education. Legend Labs has built an intuitive tool that delivers meaningful and actionable intelligence to advance reputation management at all levels of any institution.

Custom built for higher education

With decades of experience in branding, communications, and crisis management, Legend Labs knows that college campuses are some of the most issues-rich environments imaginable. In working with major institutions to become more proactive, data-informed and crisis-ready many of the same needs have been expressed.


What we’re hearing from clients

“Listening and monitoring software requires deep expertise and isn’t accessible to our senior leaders.”
“The scope of what we can track is limited to our brand. We’re missing peer and industry intelligence.”
“Seeing news and trends is important, but what do we do about it? That’s where we lose the most time.”

Introducing Canary

An intuitive interface for analysts and board members alike, delivering meaningful and actionable intelligence to advance reputation management at all levels of any institution.

Preconfigured by experts

Select your brand, peers, and topics of vulnerability from pre-configured list of 150+ options.

Key data sources all in one place

See online conversation trends and mentions from news, TV, Radio, and podcasts for the brands and topics you select.

Strategic insights for actionable intelligence

Access an ever-growing library of crisis case studies, trend analyses and playbooks to more effectively act on issues you face.